Our services

  • Virtual Somatic Womb Session

    A meditative exploration of the energies within your pelvic bowl. Utilizing tools of Somatic Dialogue, Visualization, and Intuitively Led Meditations, you have the opportunity to meet and clear stagnant energies held within the pelvic bowl. Each session can be recorded for lifelong access to meditations.

    One 75 Minute Session- $120

    Four 75 Minute Sessions- $420

  • Womb Focused Massage

    Myofascial Uterine Unwinding, Abdominal Massage, and Pelvic Floor Therapy when indicated with Somatic Dialogue for Full Spectrum Healing. This work is traditionally offered in a three session container. Find more information here.

    One Two Hour Session- $280

    Three Session Package- $777

  • Prenatal Massage

    A massage tailored for women in their second and third trimester. Bring more ease to your physical body through focused therapeutic massage, and peace in your spirit as we honor this transition for both you and baby.

    75 minutes- $ 160

    90 minutes- $185

  • Therapeutic Bodywork

    A unique blend of modalities including Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Structural Integration, Lomi Lomi Techniques, Myofascial Cupping and Neuromuscular Release. Noelle combines her extensive knowledge of kinesiology and her intuitive sense to offer bodywork sessions that leave you feeling at ease in your body, mind, and spirit.

    90 minutes- $220

    120 minutes- $280